How to prevent yourself from buying counterfeit products online?

Online shopping is becoming a trend these days due to the convenience and lower cost (sometimes). People can now shop online for household goods, clothes, bags, technology and more. You know what I mean (who knows what you buy online). So what I am concerned in this post is: How to ensure that you are the authentic products?

Now there are many online shopping platforms which support third party sellers, and when these sellers decide to sell counterfeit products while withholding information about the products being a replica, there is absolutely nothing we can do. Not the platforms' administrators and not the consumers.
So what are the ways to prevent yourself from buying a replica from a dishonest online seller?

1. Always check reviews

Some reviewers tend to post pictures and detailed experience of the products or services. Photos and detailed reviews are useful information to tell whether a product is authentic. Drop the person an email if you are unsure, perhaps you might get a reply in return. However, do beware that some of these "buyers" may be the sellers themselves. Take extra caution.

2. Use the FAQ section

Look at the question and answer asked in the FAQ section. It gives you an idea on the level of customer service the seller provides and the way the seller answers the question may hint whether the product is authentic or not. Two type of questions to look out for particularly:

  • Is the product authentic?
  • How long is the warranty?
Well, even if the answer for the first question is authentic, please do not jump straight into buying the product (unless it is directly from the brand itself). Ask about the warranty, if they answer 7days, please know that something is up their sleeves. A renowned brand never gives 7 days warranty. 

3. If unsure, just stay away

Now look, I know the product/service may be cheaper but if you are unsure if they are authentic, just stay away from it. It is much better to pay the extra money for the genuine goods. Staying away or regret your purchase. Choose one. 

This is just basic and simple advice. Everyone likes shopping, but do take caution when buying from third parties. Extra care won't hurt. 
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